Indentation - The Secret to Cleaner Code

Indentation - The Secret to Cleaner Code


Indentation is the use of spaces or tabs to organise code.

Indentation may seem like a small detail, but it has a big impact on the readability and maintainability of your code.

Why is Indentation Important?

Readability: Indentation makes code easier to read and follow.
Maintainability: Indentation makes code easier to update and change.
Collaboration: Indentation makes code easier for multiple people to understand.

How to Use Indentation

Choose a Style: Use either spaces or tabs, and stick to it.
Indent Consistently: Use the same amount of indentation for each level of code.
Follow the Code Structure: Indent code to reflect its structure.

Tips for Mastering Indentation

Start Early: Implement indentation from the start to make it a habit.
Utilize Tools: Leverage code editors and IDEs for automatic indentation.
Review and Refine: Regularly review and modify code to ensure proper indentation.