Father Of World Wide Web

Father Of World Wide Web

Meet Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, the British computer scientist, who invented World Wide Web

His Famous Quotes

✧ "I don't mind there being biased information out there. The important thing is that you should know, when you're on the web, whether you're looking at biased information or not."

✧ "The Web does not just connect machines, it connects people"

Did you know?

✧ He is also the inventor of HTML, URL and HTTP

✧ He's also considered the world's first web developer, web browser/editor and the first web server software.

✧ He ensured that the WWW's protocols and software were open and free to use for anyone. He deliberately chose not to patent the technology and pushed for it to be in the public domain.

✧ He has also received numerous other awards and honors, including the A.M. Turing Award, often referred to as the "Nobel Prize of Computing."

Thank you, Timothy John Berners-Lee, for creating World Wide Web